How to Add A Link to Instagram Story: A True Business Booster

Instagram offers many opportunities for social media marketing in 2023. Its platform is centered around the importance of good free media. So, the companies that can exploit this to their benefit can gain a lot of sales. But, if they do not add a link to their product on their posts, is it really enough?

Fortunately, IG has included this feature recently, and it is ready to be taken advantage of. Check how to add link to Instagram story and boost engagement and interaction.

Table of Contents

  1. What Are Instagram Story Links?
  2. How to Add Swipe Up to Instagram Stories
  3. How to Add a Link To IG Story With Swipe Up Feature
  4. How Top Brands Use Links
  5. How To Add Link To IG Story When There Isn't A Swipe Up Feature
  6. Tips and Tricks to Get More than 10,000 Fans
  7. The Perks of Learning How to Add a Link to an Instagram Story
  8. Frequently Asked Questions
  9. The Final Word

What Are Instagram Story Links?

Story Links

They are a feature that is still in the beta phase in 2023. This means that it is being tried out by a limited number of users, and not everyone has access to them. With it, they can add a link to an Instagram post, whether it is an image or a video.

Most businesses appreciate having access to this feature since it allows them to market their products and posts more easily. This improves user experience by helping people save many steps to go and visit a web page or blog.

The only way to have access to it is by having a blue check next to the IG handle, and wondering how to add the link to Instagram story without being verified?

The platform does not make clear which are the exact requisites to be verified in 2023. Actually, they choose that practically as they see fit on a case by case basis.

How to Add Swipe Up to Instagram Stories

Swipe Up

Using the Instagram swipe up feature is the simplest way to add links to a story. This means that to access a site or blog, users only have to place their finger on the screen while seeing the story media and move it up. It is very intuitive and a great way to drive more traffic to a page or blog.

This is how to implement it.

  1. Make sure that the account is verified or has at least 10,000 fans.
  2. Open the IG tool and look for the link icon.
  3. Make a tap on it.
  4. Copy the desired link.
  5. Paste it on the blank field.
  6. Hit “Done” in the upper part of the screen.
  7. Publish it.
  8. Test it to see if it works correctly.

These eight easy steps are the best way to get started using the Instagram swipe up feature. Viewers will be glad to be able to check out the social media content without having to fiddle around the profile.

How to Add a Link To Instagram Story Using Swipe Up Feature

This is the easiest way to learn how to add link to Instagram story. Just a few taps and it is ready to go. The only catch is that not everyone has access to it. But those who do can take great advantage of this marketing strategy. Check it out!

Go to the Stories Section on the Home Page

Click on the camera button on the top of the screen and start recording or take a picture that can be uploaded to the stories or posts. People can also select a file from the camera roll.

Customize the Story

Add all the desired stickers, filters, and more. Users can select from among the many options at the bottom filters and more.

Add the Link

If the account is allowed to use this feature, there should be a button with two links next to the other buttons.

Click on it and type in the address or copy and paste it. When everything is activated, the original button will have a white circle around it. This means that viewers will see a “Learn More” button at the bottom of the screen. People can either tap it or put their finger on the screen and move it up.

Include a Convincing Call to Action

Even though the platform adds a button on its own, one should encourage people to do this and let them know why. Bear in mind that some people may be interested in the content and not know what to do to access it, though it may seem obvious to some. So, in these cases, it is better to oversimplify things.

How Top Brands Use Links

Brands Use Links

All the previously mentioned good social practices may be hard to understand without clear examples. This is why here some stories with links that big brands used to promote their products or services. This shows why one should learn of adding links to IG story is worth one’s time.

#1. Hopper

Hopper uses its stories to promote its latest deals. Then, to avoid losing people, it encourages them to swipe up on Instagram to access more information about the offer. They include a clear call to action together with an icon showing what people are supposed to do to go to the page.

#2. Twitter

This popular social network promotes its platform by promising content that basketball fans cannot resist. How does it do so? By including a link to a Q&A that people can easily access by just moving a finger. They capitalize on their knowledge of adding links to IG story very well.

#3. Sephora

This famous cosmetics business did a series of videos with testimonials from their clients. In each of them, they were talking about the benefits of these products, and encouraged people to swipe up to learn more. This is a very creative way to get people to trust in the brand.

#4. Nike

Nike used this story to promote one of its news collections. It includes a very clear call to action with a benefit, which makes people more likely to act. This is a good example of a simple instruction that anyone can follow.

#5. Walmart

Walmart seizes the opportunity and refers to a current event, which that high-school and university were finishing in the USA at that time, and many people were graduating. This is why it tries to bond with these new graduates by congratulating them and encouraging them to click on the link to see products tailored for their needs.

How To Add Link To IG Story Without Swipe Up Feature

As mentioned before, there are a few ways to activate the Instagram swipe up. But what about those small companies that are just starting? Are they bound to compete at a disadvantage? The platform has not forgotten about them, so it implemented a way in which anyone can use this tool. It is through ads.

These are the steps

  1. Go to the Ads Manager.
  2. Select one of the available objectives.
  3. Create a new audience or choose a previously made one.
  4. Indicate the amount of money that can be spent per day.
  5. The platform will ask where the ads should appear. Choose “Stories”.
  6. Prepare it. Do not forget to add a CTA and the link!

Once it goes live, one will be able to track its performance through the analytics tool. Of course, this function is paid, which not everyone will like. But still, it is better than just adding a link because the story will also reach those who do not follow the account. In this way, it is bound to yield much better results. Those who do not have the necessary number of followers yet to do it for free can implement some strategies to reach the threshold of 10,000 followers.

Tips and Tricks to Get More than 10,000 Fans

Tips and Tricks

Those who cannot afford to pay for ads can also check out how to add links to the Instagram story. But they will have to do it the hard way. Of course, this will all pay off in having a much larger follower base that really likes the account. Just stick to these tips to get started.

#1. Develop a Content Calendar that You Actually Stick to

Consistency is key when it comes to boosting one’s number of fans. The algorithm appreciates it when someone posts regularly and places him high on people’s feeds. This will also garner more engagement, which helps give credibility to the profile. In this way, when potential followers see it, they are more likely to subscribe to the page.

#2. Use Hashtags that Get You Noticed

They are often overlooked, but hashtags are one of the best ways to gain visibility. Using the right phrase can put a post in front of a much wider audience than most would believe, which in turn, will mean more followers.

Many tools help to do thorough hashtag research. They will show which are the most popular ones and which ones are recommended for a specific business.

#3. Create Content that Keeps People Engaged

This may seem obvious, but it is one of the hardest things to do. Some will find that some content is the best in the world, while others may think it is the worst. Besides, remember that more than 100 million images are uploaded to this platform daily. This means that something has to be very eye-catching to get people’s attention.

#4. Deliver Useful Information, not Only Business Promotion

While the aim of some brands may be to sell, this is not all they should do. When people see that someone is only interested in their money, they will be put off and leave the profile right away.

Think about what it is they need and try to solve their problems with useful info. For example, if the site is about sports gear, show them good routines they can do with the product, interesting events, and more.

#5. Cooperate with Influencers

Influencer marketing is a booming industry that more and more people are now taking advantage of. Just like with word of mouth, people believe in a product when someone they know recommends it and shows how it works for them. If that person happens to be one of the influencers they admire, then the chances of them becoming followers and buyers are truly great.

Look for accounts with a large fan base in the specific niche and area and offer them to collaborate. Ask them to upload pictures, videos, and stories showing how well the product works for them. And, in exchange, offer them a free item or even some money.

#6. Analyze the Performance of Your Instagram Stories

Once one has gone through the whole process of adding links to IG story, keeping track of how they perform is what comes next. This is essential to understand how to tweak one’s strategy if necessary. Depending on the results, one may take different options, going from making small changes, to reworking the entire campaign.

To get this info, one should go to the Insights page. Two weeks after the story was published, all the data will be available. This is how to do it.

Through the Profile

  1. Go to the account page.
  2. Tap on the menu button on the upper corner.
  3. Choose insights from the list of options.
  4. Select “Content” and then “Stories”.

Through Stories

  1. Tap on the story and swipe up.
  2. Click on the icon that looks like a graph.
  3. All the info will be there. Just remember that this is possible only for business accounts.

The Perks of Learning How to Add a Link to an Instagram Story

The Perks of Learning

There are many perks of adding links to an IG story. They are a great way to promote products easily and in a way that people can find engaging and simple to interact with. These are just some of the benefits it offers.

1) Brand Promotion

Companies can publish pics and videos showing their best features and products. But once the story finishes, that is it.

2) Traffic Increase

Using the Instagram swipe up feature helps drive an incredible amount of traffic to one’s page. As there are lots of people who see their stories, brands can post engaging content on IG, get people excited, and then redirect them to their site.

3) Sales Growth

Many brands post engaging stories showcasing the best features of their products to leave them wanting more. But, with no links, it usually does not go beyond that. Now, if they use this system, users can just swipe up on Instagram and keep on learning about it. Of course, this will turn into many more closed deals.

4) Subscribers’ Boost

Many accounts claim that after implementing the Instagram swipe up feature, they have seen a large increase in their number of followers.

FAQ Section

Why Can’t I Add a Link to an Instagram Story?

Not everyone can do the Instagram swipe up. Only two kinds of people have access to it. The first one is those who have a verified account. If there is no blue check next to one’s IG handle, this may be one of the reasons this is happening.

Where is the Link Button on Instagram?

In the case of stories, this button can be found on the upper part of the screen. It looks like a chain, and it is placed next to the sticker button. Just click on it, enter the link, and get started.

Why Use the Swipe Up

Learning how to add links to your IG story can greatly change the performance of one’s IG strategy. If done right, this can greatly increase one’s traffic and sales. Still, not everyone has access to it. But with the easy steps mentioned above, everyone should be able to take advantage of this useful technique in a short time.

Published: February 08, 2021Updated: February 08, 2021

Linda Andress

Linda Andress

Linda’s passion is turning ideas into a successful copy. She has worked for more than eight years in the publishing industry, providing unique and varied writings. She has experience in successfully implementing PR strategies and organization, including events and meetings (congresses, industry symposiums, and training workshops). When she’s not working, she’s reading (probably 3-4 books at a time), shopping for hours in bookstores and comic book stores, playing video games or volleyball, or spending time with her family, including her two dogs, Mickey and Pete.


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